LRTfi: What is it? Risks Investors Should Know

5 min readJun 7, 2024

1. What is LRTfi?

LRTfi, or Liquid Restaking Token Finance, is a collection of diverse projects aimed at supporting and advancing protocols built around Liquid Restaking Token. Considered a novel development in the DeFi sector, LRTfi is seen as a response following the introduction of LSDfi, which is part of the Restaking integration movement in DeFi.

A notable feature of LRTfi is its dual focus on creating a varied ecosystem for Liquid Restaking Tokens and fostering opportunities for their utilization while improving their liquidity. Through offerings like Automated Market Making (AMM), Lending & Borrowing, Index, Yield Aggregator, and other services, LRTfi establishes a robust foundation for Liquid Restaking Token projects.

2. Why Was LRTfi Created?

The inception of LRTfi stems from the rising need for liquidity and utility of Liquid Restaking Tokens (LRT Tokens) within the DeFi sector. Comparable to platforms like Lido Finance and Rocket Pool, which facilitate and advance Liquid Staking Derivatives (LSD) like stETH and rETH, LRTfi aims to furnish a diverse ecosystem for emerging Liquid Restaking ventures such as Renzo Protocol and Rio Network, along with their respective LRT Tokens like rzETH and riETH.

Established DeFi entities including AAVE and Compound, alongside LSDfi protocols like Pendle Finance, play a pivotal role within the LRTfi landscape by integrating and endorsing Liquid Restaking Tokens. LRTfi emerges as an organic and essential response to meet the escalating demands for liquidity and functionality of Liquid Restaking Tokens within the DeFi community.

3. Key Highlights of LRTfi

Several factors contribute to the development of the LRTfi industry:

  • Enhanced Security and Risk Reduction: LRTfi projects prioritize security by using liquidity assets as collateral, minimizing the risk of loss for investors. This approach attracts a wide range of investors, including those who prefer safer investments.
  • Profit Optimization: LRTfi platforms optimize profits by efficiently managing capital and liquidity assets. This allows for the adjustment of investment portfolios to maximize returns within the DeFi environment.
  • High Flexibility and Customization: LRTfi offers high flexibility and customization options, enabling users to create tailored financial products. This flexibility accommodates diverse investment strategies, enhancing accessibility for users with different needs.
  • Growth in the DeFi Industry: The continuous growth of the DeFi industry provides opportunities for LRTfi projects to expand. The emergence of new protocols and platforms in DeFi further fuels the growth potential of LRTfi.

4. Risks of LRTfi

In addition to its promising aspects, the LRTfi sector encounters several potential risks that warrant attention:

  • Liquidity Risk: Despite efforts to bolster liquidity, LRTfi projects may face shortages in market liquidity. This could impede the swift and efficient withdrawal of assets, leading to dissatisfaction among investors.
  • Smart Contract Risk: DeFi protocols rely on smart contracts, which are susceptible to technical glitches and security vulnerabilities. These incidents can result in substantial asset losses for users and erode trust within the community.
  • Business Model Risk: LRTfi initiatives hinge on specific business models and financial frameworks. Unexpected shifts in the operating landscape or market fluctuations may affect project performance and prompt suboptimal investment decisions.
  • Risk Management Risk: Despite endeavors to mitigate risks, effective risk management remains a challenge for LRTfi endeavors. Market volatility and other factors may heighten risk levels and impact project outcomes.
  • Regulatory and Legal Risk: The LRTfi sector operates within a rapidly evolving and diverse legal landscape. Uncertainty surrounding regulations and legal frameworks can pose risks for projects and hinder industry growth.

5. Prominent Projects in the LRTfi Sector

Numerous projects in the DeFi market, along with Liquid Staking Derivatives (LSDfi) projects, are actively participating in the LRTfi sector, indicating a potential avenue for expanding and strengthening business opportunities in the future.

Several noteworthy projects in the LRTfi sector include:

Pendle Finance:

Pendle Finance leads the LRTfi trend with its unique Yield Strategy, attracting a substantial user base. This platform offers flexible solutions for managing and optimizing profits from collateral assets. Through collaborations with Renzo Protocol, Kelp DAO, and, Pendle Finance enables users to explore the potential of LRT Tokens within a secure financial ecosystem.

Maverick Protocol:

Maverick Protocol provides dynamic liquidity and supports various PRT Tokens like eETH, weETH, rsETH, etc. The project emphasizes innovation and flexibility in offering efficient financial products to users. By supporting PRT Tokens, Maverick Protocol fosters a diverse dynamic liquidity ecosystem, enhancing user benefits and accessibility in the DeFi domain.

Curve Finance:

Curve Finance, a dynamic liquidity platform, also backs several PRT Tokens such as eETH, weETH, rsETH, etc. It creates a flexible and efficient dynamic liquidity environment, optimizing profits and mitigating risks for users in DeFi transactions. Curve Finance not only boosts liquidity but also unlocks multiple investment and developmental avenues for the DeFi community.


Agilely, operating on the Arbitrum ecosystem, enables users to utilize LRT (Liquid Restaking Token) as collateral to borrow stablecoin USDA. This platform facilitates users in leveraging their assets, like LRT Tokens, to generate new capital through borrowing. It fosters a diverse and flexible financial ecosystem on the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Ion Protocol:

Ion Protocol functions as a lending protocol for various collateral assets, with a focus on Staked and Restaked Assets. It provides a flexible and efficient system for lending and borrowing collateral assets, fostering a rich and diverse financial environment while promoting the development of DeFi projects and user communities.

Davos Protocol:

Davos Protocol offers a Collateralized Debt Position (CDP) platform, enabling users to collateralize various Staked and Restaked Assets to mint the protocol’s Stablecoin DUSD. Users can leverage their collateral assets to create stable assets for DeFi transactions, promoting creativity and innovation in the DeFi industry while offering investment and profit-making opportunities.

Above is not all the information about this trend, Wanna know more about how it works and why should you use it? Read at!

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